Lot 23 - Punic Spain under the Barcids.

c. 237-209 BC. AE Quarter Shekel, ...
c. 237-209 BC. AE Quarter Shekel, ...
Punic Spain under the Barcids.
Starting price:
2.500,00 USD


Lot status:
Auction closed


c. 237-209 BC. AE Quarter Shekel, 1.90g (11h). Obv: Head of Melqart left, club over shoulder. Rx: Elephant walking right. SNG Spain 102. Villargona/Benages, ACIP 555. Viola, CNP 15. Traditionally, the obverse on this and on larger denominations with the same types has been thought to depict Hannibal in the guise of Melqart.
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