Lot 29 - Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III The Great.

 336-323 BC. Stater, 8.62g (11h). ...
 336-323 BC. Stater, 8.62g (11h). ...
Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III The Great.
Starting price:
8.000,00 USD


Lot status:
Auction closed


336-323 BC. Stater, 8.62g (11h). Abydos, in the name of Alexander; c. 323-317 BC. Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right. Rx: Nike standing left, holding wreath and stylis; grain ear in left field; AΛEΞANΔPOY behind. Price 1519. Ex Lanz 160, 15 June 2015, lot 87.
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